@sonu_monika 3 years ago
#Stanford partners #Microsoft's #AI for #Health initiative to expand #medical #research #datasets  https://bit.ly/2VFsFRj #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #Analytics #IIoT #IoT #ML #Python #DataScience #Data #Flutter #MachineLearning #healthcare #DigitalHealth @sonu_monika
@sallyeaves 3 years ago
Advancing Personalised #medicine with #AI New #research to improve #cancer prediction specifically breast cancer shows promise #data available on #github here http://bit.ly/MLMedicine #MachineLearning #ML #coding #TechForGood #health #technology #Python #IoT #NLP #DeepLearning https://t.co/RxOC2WksHp
@AIEthicsWatch 3 years ago
#Medical devices #AI/#ML poorly regulated at @algorithmwatch #AIEthics #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #Algorithms #Data #Digital #Tech #Ethics #Policy #Governance #DataEthics #DigitalEthics #TechEthics #AIPolicy #Health #HealthTech h/t @__LENIA https://algorithmwatch.org/en/story/medical-devices/
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
⭕️This is how Japanese ingenuity saving lives by using #AI #algorithms! Via @abhishek__AI #healthcare #HealthTech #DataScience #ML #Medical #Futurework #engineering #innovations #Health #data #tech #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode https://twitter.com/abhishek__AI/status/1353699061984059392
@Joseph_Santoro 4 years ago
Japanese supercomputer finds 30 existing drugs potentially effective to treat #COVID-19! https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200704/p2a/00m/0na/010000c #Tech #BioTech #AI #MachineLearning #ML #DL #DeepLearning #Science #Data #DataScience #PublicHealth #Health #Medicine #MedicalScience #Coronavirus #COVID19
@HubXChange1 4 years ago
#HealthIT #MachineLearning - #ML Mixed Pooling Multi-View Attention #Autoencoder for Representation Learning in #Healthcare #Data: Electronic #Health / #Medical Records - #EHR / #EMR ️https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06456 @HubBucket @HubXChange1 @HubBaseDB @HubAnalytics1 @HubAnalysis1 https://t.co/5tRUamIdbA