@UWRadiology 1 year ago
Exciting news: #Radiology chair Dr. Dushyant Sahani and colleagues recently launched the UW Institute for Medical Data Science which bridges #ArtificialIntelligence, #MachineLearning and #Healthcare. Read more: http://bit.ly/3TbC9Oh #radtwitter #medtwitter #MedEd @UWMedicine https://t.co/oNiA7NyUZ0
@GSCollins 1 year ago
Some recent studies we've carried out looking at the medical literature that have applied #MachineLearning for prediction Conduct -> https://tinyurl.com/44444rx9 Reporting -> https://tinyurl.com/bdcs9rma Risk of bias -> https://tinyurl.com/ynbxh2pz #statstwitter #medtwitter #openscience https://t.co/XnYkAuIp5f
@_atanas_ 2 years ago
⚕️ Deep Learning for Smart #Healthcare - A Survey on Brain Tumor Detection from Medical Imaging #DHPSP #MedTwitterAI #MedTwitter #python #MachineLearning #scicomm #HealthTech #DigitalHealth Attn: @sminaev2015 @HaroldSinnott @NawazFaisal_ai @rafael52987 https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/5/1960
@alvie_barr 4 years ago
Interesting read The medical #ArtificialIntelligence insurgency: what physicians must know about #data to practice with intelligent machines (Read highlighted) Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0138-5 #AI #MedTwitterAI #MedTwitter #ML #MachineLearning #DataScience #BigData #EMR #EHR https://t.co/RKr8BS8inl