@udacity 4 years ago
What are key skills required to apply #AI and #MachineLearning in #healthcare? - Curiosity & the ability to clean the data - Combine the knowledge of data with foundational info about healthcare & medicine - Analyzing the existing data - Domain knowledge #UdacityAIforHealthcare
@iMariaJohnsen 6 years ago
How #Fintech & Key Industries are Impacted by #ArtificialIntelligence 🤓 http://maria-johnsen.com/multilingualSEO-blog/how-fintech-and-key-industries-are-impacted-by-artificial-intelligence/ #ai #machinelearning #industry40 #IoT #MariaJohnsen #robotics #deeplearning #deepmind #healthcare #technology #tech #InternetOfThings #industry #medicaldata #IBM #WatsonMarketing https://t.co/cahWqTJBld
@seonorway1 6 years ago
How #Fintech and Key Industries are Impacted by #ArtificialIntelligence by: Maria Johnsen http://maria-johnsen.com/multilingualSEO-blog/how-fintech-and-key-industries-are-impacted-by-artificial-intelligence/ #ai #machinelearning #industry40 #IoT #MariaJohnsen #robotics #deeplearning #deepmind #healthcare #technology #tech #InternetOfThings #industry #medicaldata #IBM https://t.co/76k9ayvSqO
@iMariaJohnsen 6 years ago
How #Fintech and Key Industries are Impacted by #ArtificialIntelligence 🤓http://maria-johnsen.com/multilingualSEO-blog/how-fintech-and-key-industries-are-impacted-by-artificial-intelligence/ #ai #machinelearning #industry40 #IoT #MariaJohnsen #robotics #deeplearning #deepmind #healthcare #technology #tech #InternetOfThings #industry #medicaldata #IBM #WatsonMarketing https://t.co/jIVkDIpKw8
@DeepLearn007 7 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI to play key role in population health #medicine #healthcare #machinelearning #ML #tech… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/823563694063943680