@melsanm 1 year ago
Interesting read! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02361-0 via @NatureMedicine #ArtificialIntelligence #DrugDesign #MachineLearning #deeplearning #DrugDiscovery #drugs #medicine
@andresvilarino 1 year ago
Opinion: Discovering new #antibiotics with help from #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithm #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DL  #Data #Tech #Technology #medicine https://buff.ly/3TKxGRg https://t.co/wrq46cu0lJ
@SpirosMargaris 1 year ago
New #AI Research Could Drive Progress in #Medicine and #CleanEnergy https://about.fb.com/news/2022/11/ai-protein-research-could-drive-progress-in-medicine-clean-energy/ #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BigData #healthcare @Meta @MetaAI https://t.co/TfYqyvxIEJ
@VeilleCyber3 1 year ago
#AI in #Medicine Is #Overhyped https://bit.ly/3gqWM9u #cryptocurrencies #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DeepLearning #100DaysOfCode #fintech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity #cybersecurite #metaverse #NFTs #web3 #inSurTech https://t.co/JbXsVjl87d
@VeilleCyber3 1 year ago
#AI in #Medicine Is #Overhyped https://bit.ly/3gqWM9u #cryptocurrencies #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DeepLearning #100DaysOfCode #fintech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity #cybersecurite #metaverse #NFTs #web3 #inSurTech https://t.co/zSfMytq97C
@SpirosMargaris 1 year ago
Good read #AI in #Medicine Is #Overhyped https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-in-medicine-is-overhyped/ #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #healthcare @visarASU @visarASU @julieliss @sciam https://t.co/fBtWcYeBdb
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Researchers discover how artificial intelligence can detect tumour https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/researchers-discover-how-artificial-intelligence-can-detect-tumour-122090400071_1.html @bsindia #Healthcare #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #100DaysofCode #IoT #serverless #DEVCommunity #womenwhocode #Medicine #DataScience #DigitalTransformation
@tunguz 2 years ago
Science article: https://www.science.org/content/article/new-era-digital-biology-ai-reveals-structures-nearly-all-known-proteins Deep Mind press release: https://www.deepmind.com/blog/alphafold-reveals-the-structure-of-the-protein-universe #Science #Biology #Biophysics #Biochemistry #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #DL #AI #medicine #future 3/3
@ingliguori 2 years ago
Why #AI is the Future of #medicine check it out https://bit.ly/3viEcp1 By @ingliguori #health #healthcare #futureofwork #neuralnetworks #robotics #medtech #deeplearning #healthtech #robotic #RPA #machinelearning #healthcare #Tech4All #technology #tech #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/D5SpXQkvzw
@TrinusOfficial 2 years ago
How #AI Will Change #Medicine Forever https://bit.ly/3P18wMD #AIEthics #MachineLearning #Python #DeepLearning #Fintech #medical #Insurtech #Finserv #AI CC- @labordeolivier @ValdezVera @cgledhill @DeepLearn007
@stratorob 2 years ago
How #AI Will Change #Medicine Forever https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/how-ai-will-change-medicine-forever @labordeolivier @ValdezVera @cgledhill @grattonboy @DeepLearn007 @DalithSteiger @BarbaraLampl #AIEthics #MachineLearning #Python #DeepLearning #LUNC #100DaysOfCode #Fintech #LunaClassic #Insurtech #Finserv
@Grepnetics 2 years ago
How #AI Will Change #Medicine Forever https://veille-cyber.com/how-ai-will-change-medicine-forever/ #cryptocurrencies #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DeepLearning #100DaysOfCode #fintech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity #cybersecurite #metaverse #NFTs #web3 https://t.co/ny5wq20nBH
@VeilleCyber3 2 years ago
How #AI Will Change #Medicine Forever http://ow.ly/U2mf50JPimK #cryptocurrencies #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DeepLearning #100DaysOfCode #fintech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity #cybersecurite #metaverse #NFTs #web3 https://t.co/IKi1nE10Fw
@stratorob 2 years ago
How #AI Will Change #Medicine Forever https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/how-ai-will-change-medicine-forever @labordeolivier @ValdezVera @cgledhill @grattonboy @DeepLearn007 @DalithSteiger @BarbaraLampl #AIEthics #MachineLearning #Python #DeepLearning #LUNC #100DaysOfCode #Fintech #LunaClassic #Insurtech #Finserv
@marcusborba 2 years ago
New report on the impact of artificial intelligence on the doctor-patient relationship https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/new-report-on-the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-the-doctor-patient-relationship @coe #Healthcare #DeepLearning #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #DataScience #Medicine #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/CrPzMfhWHB
@adem_onar 2 years ago
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare RT:@dansar39 @Khulood_Almani @wef #healthcare #health #healthtech #innovation #AI #artificialIntelligence #ML #diagnosis #medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #programming #deeplearning #tech #DevOps #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity https://t.co/wjslNr3VgA
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Early Detection of Arthritis Now Possible Thanks to #ArtificialIntelligence https://scitechdaily.com/early-detection-of-arthritis-now-possible-thanks-to-artificial-intelligence/ @SciTechDaily1 #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #100DaysofCode #serverless #womenwhocode #DataScience #Medicine #DigitalTransformation #Robots #Healthcare https://t.co/4WvFKuhRth
@SwissCognitive 2 years ago
The roles of #ArtificialIntelligence in #HealthCare via @CatherineAdenle cc @joana_ut @enricomolinari @shakir_za @StanfordHAI #AINews #AI #Health #HealthTech #AIHealth #Innovation #ML #Diagnosis #Medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #Programming #DeepLearning #Technology https://t.co/2io4HBWHGY
@brook_writers 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode :@brook_writers
@Gregoryessays 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode :@Gregoryessays
@freddytn 2 years ago
New #AI #DeepLearning #technology algorithm trained to optimize doses of propofol to maintain unconsciousness during general #anesthesia could augment patient monitoring #health #healthcare #medicine #MachineLearning @MIT @MIT_IMES @mit_hst @MIT_Picower https://news.mit.edu/2022/research-advances-technology-ai-assistance-anesthesiologists-0214
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Toronto tech institute tracking long COVID with #artificialintelligence,social media https://bit.ly/34PAfxk @coast_reporter #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #Healthcare #100DaysofCode #serverless #devcommunity #womenwhocode #Medicine #DeepLearning #DataScience #COVID19 https://t.co/IIFRKLdEK7
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Man With Severed Spinal Cord Walks Again, Thanks to #AI Implant https://bit.ly/3HGJv5N #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #Healthcare #100DaysofCode #serverless #devcommunity #womenwhocode #DeepLearning #DigitalTransformation #DataScience #Medicine https://t.co/DGiMr3bais
@VeilleCyber3 2 years ago
How #ArtificialIntelligence is poised to reshape #medicine http://ow.ly/lQwP50HCh0s #Robotics #AIEthics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DataScience #BigData #DeepLearning #IoT #100DaysOfCode #robots #fintech #insurtech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity https://t.co/zxOOCQ4gNE
@bigdataconf 2 years ago
#Machinelearning system flags remedies that might do more harm than good https://buff.ly/3oJ1X6q #Healthcare #technology #Artificialintelligence #Algorithms #Medicine #DataScience #DeepLearning #NLP #NoSQL #IoT #TensorFlow #Serverless #Kubernetes #R #Python #AutoML #DataBase
@New081082 2 years ago
Top 10 Computer Vision Applications in Healthcare http://analyticsinsight.net/top-10-compute… @analyticsinme #ComputerVision #Healthcare #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI #100daysofcode #serverless #womenwhocode #IoT #Python #BigData #Analytics #4IR #Robotics #DataScience #Medicine #Healthtech https://twitter.com/freeseenice/status/1458935815082373126
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Top 10 Computer Vision Applications in Healthcare https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-computer-vision-applications-in-healthcare/ @analyticsinme #ComputerVision #Healthcare #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI #100daysofcode #serverless #womenwhocode #IoT #Python #BigData #Analytics #4IR #Robotics #DataScience #Medicine #Healthtech https://t.co/UEzKTuf3Ok
@lyakovet 2 years ago
"#QuantumComputing and #AI Possibilities in #Healthcare, #drugdiscovery, #personalized #medicine #saugatalks with @DeepLearn007 and @Davor48432610: https://youtu.be/1e6KkDwXj6s #ArtificialIntelligence #HealthTech #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #aiforgood #tech #TechForGood https://t.co/XbSUYYhYB7
@EssayGuru7 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode Jake Paul, ice cube
@marcusborba 2 years ago
How AI advances can enable medical research without sharing personal data https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/advances-ai-enable-medical-research-without-sharing-data/ via @wef #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #AI #HealthTech #100DaysofCode #iot #serverless #womenwhocode #DataScience #MachineLearning #healthcare https://t.co/XtSbEm5kBK
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias https://bit.ly/3xTCMiW @ehj_ed #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #ML #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #serverless #Python #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #Heart #healthcare https://t.co/iF0AAXGhK2
@VeilleCyber3 2 years ago
Why #AI And #HumanIntelligence Must Work Together In #Medicine http://ow.ly/d4tV50GrS2I #Robotics #AIEthics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #DataScience #BigData #DeepLearning #IoT #100DaysOfCode #robots #fintech #insurtech #nocode #bitcoin #cybersecurity #NFT #blockchain https://t.co/qEwDKEtfGd
@Lago72 2 years ago
#DigitalTransformation in #Healthcare. https://bit.ly/3EHAx7b v/ @AcuityKP HT @antgrasso @marcusborba @Lago72 #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #Medicine #Data #AR #VR #ArtificialIntelligence https://t.co/5SnZm0DufQ
@marcusborba 2 years ago
How AI could transform healthcare https://bit.ly/3BlZxP2 @raconteur #Healthcare #DigitalTransformation #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #AR #VR #Cloud #Medicine #HealthTech #ArtificialIntelligence https://t.co/TiyQuLl2u0
@marcusborba 2 years ago
The rise of AI and individualised care https://bit.ly/2YbdqB1 @HealthcareDig #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #Data #Bias #DataScience #DigitalTransformation #DeepLearning #Medicine https://t.co/LttqKraKAe
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Artificial Intelligence Myth Vs Reality: Where Do Healthcare Experts Think We Stand? https://bit.ly/3kY8Oao @Forbes #Healthcare #MachineLearning #DataScience #BigData #Analytics #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #DeepLearning #Medicine #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/epKWJgzxcX
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect Anti-cancer Immunity https://bit.ly/3zPgv6T @HITAnalytics #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #ML #100DaysofCode #serverless #womenwhocode #Python #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #Algorithms #Medicine https://t.co/OWHh9pWB0Q
@_M_Dey 3 years ago
Newly developed AI uses combination of ECG and X-ray results to diagnose arrhythmic disorders | #AI #HealthCare #Medicine #Cardiology #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #BigData https://bit.ly/3Ao1fPL
@marcusborba 3 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence Detects Risk of Genetic Syndromes in Children https://bit.ly/3kMTUT6 @tweetycami @PsychToday #Genetics #Healthcare #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #Algorithms #DeepLearning #DataScience #Medicine https://t.co/3gzTTRxOp0
@marcusborba 3 years ago
AI Blood Test Shown to Detect >90% of Lung Cancers Across Different Stages https://bit.ly/2Wg8E4N @GENbio #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #womenwhocode #BigData #Analytics #Python #ML #DeepLearning #Medicine https://t.co/BkZswx1ZW1
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Implantable AI system developed for early detection and treatment of illnesses https://bit.ly/3D8fzO4 @medical_xpress #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #iot #Robotics #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #Medicine https://t.co/mSSthmW14R
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Growing Role Of AI Chatbots In Healthcare Sector https://bit.ly/3k8h1qO #Healthcare #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #ML #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #iot #serverless #Python #DeepLearning #DigitalTransformation #ArtificialIntelligence #Medicine #Chatbots https://t.co/2Nnj3N1Nnp
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias https://bit.ly/3xTCMiW @ehj_ed #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #ML #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #serverless #Python #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #Heart #healthcare https://t.co/b02YgVQ7BS
@nigewillson 3 years ago
An Epic Failure: Overstated Artificial Intelligence Claims in Medicine https://bit.ly/2VaCKpQ #ai #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #healthcare #medicine https://t.co/meZYPYQnvH
@Michael_D_Moor 3 years ago
Preprint alert! Interested in #MachineLearning in #medicine and #sepsis? We developed and validated a #DeepLearning model for predicting sepsis across 5 ICU databases from 3 countries featuring 156k ICU stays and 783 patient years worth of monitoring data. A 🧵. 1/n https://t.co/4RL3UaXYIY
@SpirosMargaris 3 years ago
Implementation of #AI in #Medicine, a Far-Reaching Technology https://buff.ly/3BvPVlr #fintech #insurtech #insurance #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #healthcare @Analyticsindiam https://t.co/asXhj6aJHS
@HarbRimah 3 years ago
What if an AI wins the Nobel prize for medicine?https://www.economist.com/what-if/2021/07/03/what-if-an-ai-wins-the-nobel-prize-for-medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #flutter #javascript #CyberSecurity #innovation #DeepLearning #COVID19 #data #5G #tech #medicine #NobelPrize @HaroldSinnott @Ronald_vanLoon @pascal_bornet @MargaretSiegien
@marcusborba 3 years ago
How your phone can predict depression & lead to personalized treatment https://bit.ly/3quld72 @medical_xpress #Healthcare #MachineLearning #DataScience #DeepLearning #Python #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #serverless #iot #coding #BigData #Analytics #Algorithms #Medicine #AI https://t.co/iCOmwXUuSC