@cellaritybio 1 year ago
The 2023 Single Cell and AI in Medicine Symposium is today! Register for #SCAIM23 virtual & get online at 12:30pm ET: http://bit.ly/3m4Cbv4 Agenda: https://bit.ly/3o2uSEH #AI #machinelearning #singlecell #biology #medicine #drugcreation #drugdiscovery https://t.co/S1lK4K3e4x
@cellaritybio 1 year ago
The 2023 Single Cell and AI in Medicine Symposium is this Thursday! Register now to attend #SCAIM23: Virtually: http://bit.ly/3m4Cbv4 Or in person: https://bit.ly/3mMSb5e Agenda: https://bit.ly/3o2uSEH #AI #machinelearning #singlecell #biology #medicine #drugcreation https://t.co/LHYvi6w0I9
@MMccradden 4 years ago
Thrilled at the interest and support for centering the #bioethics agenda in considering bias & fairness in Precision Medicine and #MachineLearning at @AMIAinformatics ! Proud to represent the work with my colleagues at @SickKidsNews @SickKidsCCM https://twitter.com/AMIAinformatics/status/1202622339244056576
@MeFy_MeFy 5 years ago
IoT for me: How the internet of things is #personalizing #medicine - IoT Agenda https://internetofthingsagenda.techtarget.com/blog/IoT-Agenda/IoT-for-me-How-the-internet-of-things-is-personalizing-medicine #bitcoin #blockchain #Crypto #healthcare #IoT #India #Blockchain #Bitcoin #MEDICAL #DATA #MeFy #Cryptocurrency #decentralization #Healthcare #Machinelearning