@f2harrell 4 years ago
My #Statistics new year goals from 2018-9 remain intact; greatest progress has been more usage of Bayesian methods and more realism about #MachineLearning and #personalized / precision medicine : http://fharrell.com/post/new-year-goals
@f2harrell 5 years ago
New guest blog article by my colleague @DrewLevy on the importance of predictive performance metric choices when evaluating #MachineLearning algorithms in medicine: http://fharrell.com/post/mlconfusion
@f2harrell 5 years ago
Confusing about classification vs. prediction abounds in #MachineLearning and medicine. See http://fharrell.com/post/classification. Simplest statement of appropriateness of classification: For all subjects there is an outcome category with a probability near 1.0 of occurring. https://t.co/pacSdd4Vtm
@f2harrell 6 years ago
Too often big data = big bs, precision medicine = precision capitalism #BigData @NancyatHeart @StanfordMed… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/867361712869167104