@envedabio 2 years ago
Today @wolfejosh appeared on Bloomberg @business @Quicktake & shared how we are turning nature into medicines along with what’s next for #investors in emerging technologies #biotech #drugdiscovery #AI #MachineLearning https://bloom.bg/3B7hj90
@jose_garde 4 years ago
Know What’s Good for Your Health? Artificial Intelligence https://www.bu.edu/today/2019/data-science-and-medicine/ … #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #aI #medicine #healthcare #healthcareIT #DataScience #Health
@atulbutte 5 years ago
Better medicine through #MachineLearning: What’s real, and what’s artificial? Our recently published ⁦@PLOSMedicine⁩ article with ⁦@suchisaria⁩ and ⁦@DrAzizSheikh⁩! #PMWC19 https://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/2018/11/28/better-medicine-through-machine-learning-whats-real-and-whats-artificial/
@detlistener 6 years ago
Protection: What’s in your #hospital file; and who is reading it? Concerns over #medical #data #privacy growing #DataScience #DataManagement #Data #BigData #security #CIO #DataGovernance #DataLakes #HealthCare #doctors #patients #GDPR https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/data-investigation-raises-concerns-over-privacy-in-hospitals-1.3406686