@xamat 3 years ago
No better way to learn #MachineLearning than by building stuff. We have added quite a few ML Live Projects now such as "Art Style Transfer Using GANs" (https://www.manning.com/liveproject/art-style-transfer-with-gans) or "3D Medical Image Analysis with PyTorch" https://www.manning.com/liveproject/3d-medical-image-analysis-with-pytorch - Feedback appreciated!
@Deep_In_Depth 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging https://buff.ly/38my0ir #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #DL #ML #DS #AI #DNN #NeuralNetworks #NLP #GPU #TensorFlow #Keras #Pytorch #Python #HPC #Automation