@lifebitAI 3 years ago
We’re carving a new path for #PopulationGenomics! Thrilled to introduce @ChiaraBacchelli, Lifebit’s Precision Medicine & Human #Genetics Lead. Read this Spotlight now - https://bit.ly/3epma9x #TeamLifebit #Biobanks #Genomics #PersonalisedMedicine #BigData #WereHiring
@MMccradden 4 years ago
Thrilled at the interest and support for centering the #bioethics agenda in considering bias & fairness in Precision Medicine and #MachineLearning at @AMIAinformatics ! Proud to represent the work with my colleagues at @SickKidsNews @SickKidsCCM https://twitter.com/AMIAinformatics/status/1202622339244056576
@kormilitzin 5 years ago
Thrilled to hear the talk of Prof Mihaela van der Schaar of @Cambridge_Uni and @turinginst about novel approaches to personalised treatments. Very relevant to our projects on Precision Mental Health. @NewtonInstitute, #datascience for #Medicine https://t.co/o3jFkPYuZv