@medical_xpress 1 year ago
New study shows the potential of #machinelearning in the early identification of people with inflammatory arthritis @SwanseaUni @PLOSONE https://doi.org/gr3rwg https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-04-potential-machine-early-identification-people.html
@medical_xpress 1 year ago
New study shows how #machinelearning can improve care for people with #Rettsyndrome @EmoryUniversity @PLOSONE https://doi.org/grvpv6 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-03-machine-people-rett-syndrome.html
@SAOscience 1 year ago
New research from @UofT scientists shows potential for #machinelearning to accelerate drug formulation making promising new medicines available faster https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/976052#.Y71jev1JB9Q.twitter via @EurekAlert
@KevinYauy 1 year ago
It's been a long way since the young boy I was, watching daily Science TV shows #CestPasSorcier, and today #MD in #MedicalGenetics & newly #PhD in #Bioinformatics and #MachineLearning ! https://t.co/enRm6jhFIA
@DiagnosingML 2 years ago
External validation of a widely implemented Sepsis Prediction Model shows significantly poorer performance than reported by developers. https://ja.ma/3wXhG3s via @JAMAInternalMed #machinelearning #ethics #ethicalAI #health #AI #medicine @stacymcarter
@sallyeaves 3 years ago
Advancing Personalised #medicine with #AI New #research to improve #cancer prediction specifically breast cancer shows promise #data available on #github here http://bit.ly/MLMedicine #MachineLearning #ML #coding #TechForGood #health #technology #Python #IoT #NLP #DeepLearning https://t.co/RxOC2WksHp
@andresvilarino 3 years ago
Study Shows How #AI can be Used for #DrugRepurposing #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithm #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DL #Medicine #medications #Data #Tech #Technology @webmasterdave @2peterharris @gsabate @AliceParkNY @drmonalidesai @protoninfo http://ow.ly/dm9Z30rrraY https://t.co/pejDiCM9HN
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
A new study from our group in Oslo shows that advanced #MachineLearning methods for analysing videos of semen samples may be a useful tool in the investigation of #MaleInfertility. #MedicalAI #HealthCare http://ow.ly/Ld9Q30pV9on
@medical_xpress 4 years ago
#Machinelearning shows no difference in #angina symptoms between men and women @MIT https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-11-machine-difference-angina-symptoms-men.html
@sciencemagazine 5 years ago
Are medical #MachineLearning systems vulnerable to adversarial attacks? This week's #SciMagPolicyForum shows how it could happen—and how it could be addressed. ($) https://fcld.ly/knt7e1y #health https://t.co/nTb5RnjetC
@AtoAndyKing 5 years ago
New paper by James Clough out now in #IEEE #TPAMI - shows how to use novel manifold alignment approach for forming high resolution dynamic medical images: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8606099 @KingsImaging #MachineLearning #manifoldlearning #PETMR #medicalimaging #MRI
@k_kasiao 7 years ago
#AI #Ophthalmologist Shows How #machinelearning May Transform #Medicine https://www.technologyreview.com/s/602958/an-ai-ophthalmologist-shows-how-machine-learning-may-transform-medicine/?utm_campaign=internal&utm_medium=homepage&utm_source=top-stories_4 #algorithms #Artificial #digitalhealth