@PROCESS_H2020 3 years ago
This very short video, by @hes_so, introduces you to Use Case 1 of PROCESS Project ▶️ How #HPC-powered #MachineLearning in Medical Imaging is improving #cancer detection. #Exascale #Supercomputing #BigData @mormontre @MedGIFT_group https://www.process-project.eu/use-case-in-a-nutshell/
@PROCESS_H2020 3 years ago
This infographic provides an overal view of PROCESS´s use case 1 - "#Exascale Learning in Medical Image Data" 🧬 ✅ What is it about? ✅ What is it for? ✅ Why we do it? ✅ How we do it? ✅ What we will get? #HPC #MachineLearning Download it here https://www.process-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/PROCESS_Infographic_UC1_Medical_Imaging.pdf https://t.co/99BDQ2JHMw