@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
AI & PTSD Study found that an #ArtificialIntelligence tool can distinguish - with 89 percent accuracy - between the voices of those with or without #PTSD. #MachineLearning #Veterans #Medicine @andyjankowski @dhinchcliffe @IBMWatson News http://ow.ly/D5Vk30ouT99
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @monstro: “Biased data has become so common in medicine that 40 percent of therapies prescribed are later proved ineffective.” http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2016/08/the_data_for_or_against_floss_is_biased_and_terrible.html
@iVivekMisra 8 years ago
#Medicine and #Society Data Watch: Percent Distribution of Long-Term Care Services Users, by Age. http://bit.ly/1QCR1wl via @NEJM #bigdata
@WIRED 9 years ago
According to the Department of Labor, 70 percent of the new fathers who make use of the Family Medical Leave take just ten days or less. (Science of Us)