@eff.org 2 years ago
Victory! Dartmouth Ends Unfounded Cheating Investigation After Students, Rights Groups Speak Out
@billrand 4 years ago
I firmly believe that AI will revolutionize medicine, but right now many algorithms haven't been tested on different pieces of equipment or with different groups of patients. #ai #MachineLearning #medicine #validation https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6446/1119
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
Lucence raises $20 million Series A for its non-invasive cancer screening technology
@IBMResearch 5 years ago
"IBM computer scientist Guillermo Cecchi came to appreciate just how important language is in medicine. IBM is one of several groups now developing #machinelearning algorithms to analyze patient language." https://ibm.co/2PNQmQv https://t.co/OmA9hybPCy
@theverge.com 9 years ago
Doctor turns to 3D printers in a race to save a toddler's mind