@posos_tech 3 years ago
Discover how we are building our medical search engine — Step 1: medical word embeddings by @francoisplesse https://link.medium.com/Ap1NYEB5t8 Check out what motivated our choices and stay tuned for the next steps! #MachineLearning #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #NLP
@KevinKumler 7 years ago
Feature in @FortuneMagazine on @Zocdoc's new #machinelearning search engine - "it makes medicine more human" http://for.tn/2nHaaKa
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @BBCLeishaChi: Wow. Scientists have built world’s tiniest engine which could one day drive medical nano-robots through the body http://on.ft.com/1TGr6Y4