@eurogamer.net 2 years ago
EA, Gearbox, and Microsoft protest "anti-LGBTQ+ efforts" in Texas
@geekwire.com 5 years ago
Genomics pioneer Lee Hood says biological age will be key to the future of medicine
@techcrunch.com 5 years ago
Robotics, AR and VR are poised to reshape healthcare, starting in the operating room
@GinnyOnHealth 7 years ago
Precision medicine: Analytics, data science and EHRs in the new age | Healthcare IT News #BigData #hit http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/precision-medicine-analytics-data-science-and-ehrs-new-age?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpoa1pEaG1OV1U1WlRCbCIsInQiOiJaK05lb0xjQjhNZFlkaEJ5MGEwZGRKRHJtbnJIMEczYVNSTWxsOWJZZkxQTUNYUWxyeFBlV1ArVHVpcHRNNVR3amZvWWY3RmhXbWRRNmhsV29aRmtuVXlIMzFEb3NiZ3BIUWVxbnE2bzFnUT0ifQ%3D%3D