@theverge.com 8 years ago
The FBI is still struggling to unlock San Bernardino killer's phone
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
Juniper promises to scrap firmware code that granted NSA backdoor access
@theverge.com 8 years ago
It doesn't matter if the NSA planted the Juniper backdoor
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
France votes to give government powers to block online communications during state of emergency
@mashable.com 8 years ago
NSA discloses 91% of bugs it finds but doesn't say when it discloses them
@theverge.com 8 years ago
First Click: Don't tell the NSA but the legal computer wiretap turns 20 today
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Edward Snowden joins Twitter and immediately throws shade at the NSA
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Hortonworks buys Onyara, the company behind Apache NiFi, which was developed at NSA
@WIRED 9 years ago
Two stories published almost a decade ago by WIRED and Salon provide in-depth details about the secret rooms at AT&T facilities that the NSA used to siphon ...
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Fake cell towers reportedly used to spy on residents in London
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Senate passes the Freedom Act bill that could reform the NSA’s data collection
@theverge.com 9 years ago
The FBI made fake companies so it could fly spy planes over US cities
@theverge.com 9 years ago
The Patriot Act's broadest surveillance powers will expire at midnight tonight
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
The UK government wants more powers to spy on how you use the internet
@WIRED 9 years ago
For sale: NSA websites, lightly used. Great price!
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
As FTC adds encryption to its website, government remains unsure on corporate use
@WIRED 9 years ago
During Monday's Reddit AMA session, Edward Snowden said the NSA and the British spy agency GCHQ had “screwed all of us” when it hacked into the Dutch firm Gemalto...
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
NSA-linked Sqrrl eyes cyber security and lands $7M in funding
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
We Hacked North Korea Before North Korea Hacked U.S.
@theverge.com 9 years ago
The NSA was tracking North Korea's hackers long before they attacked Sony Pictures
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
The NSA has reportedly been spying on North Korean networks since 2010
@theverge.com 9 years ago
New Snowden documents show how the GCHQ tracked iPhone users
@pacified.mass 9 years ago
#cctf #ccctf #ces2015 #infosec I got on my public ICQ for the #first time in months. Look the #plur NSA already found #it (that's not me) God. You get it says "hacker threats mean ignore someone" on your homepage right? Not even "we spent 10 bucks and now actually look at your crazy shit" why? Everyone would stop using it. Sigh. Into the real shit pit we go #irony if you're new? This is where I get my best material. Why? Everyone's a super hacker or thinks because they have used to this for 10 years go one invented the camera phone. Much like snapchat aka screenshot.
@WIRED 9 years ago
Skeptics criticized the evidence saying it was inconclusive and failed to make the FBI’s case. The agency, however, maintains that it has other evidence it can’t...
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @hblodget: NSA metadata being used to hunt Foley’s killer — Hope Snowden’s “patriotism" didn’t tip ISIS off http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-21/social-media-linguistics-scoured-to-find-foley-s-killer.html
@theverge.com 10 years ago
German artist protests NSA with 'light graffiti' on US Embassy in Berlin
@venturebeat.com 10 years ago
Germany to Verizon: No more governmental contract, ’cause NSA
@techcrunch.com 10 years ago
Security Researchers Uncover The Tools Governments Use To Spy On Our Phones